What to Expect at a Hearing Test

What to Expect at a Hearing Test

Hearing tests should be added to your annual health check-up! And if your primary care physician doesn’t offer it, our Doctor of Audiology David Craig is here to help!

Hearing tests are used by audiologists to determine or identify any existing hearing problems and can detect any changes in your hearing over time. It's important to understand what to expect when you visit the audiologist for a hearing test so that you can be prepared and get the most out of your appointment.

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The first step in getting a hearing test is a conversation with your audiologist. A thorough medical history will be taken, including any medications you are currently taking, any illnesses or injuries you may have had, and any lifestyle factors that may affect your hearing, such as prolonged exposure to loud noises or noisy occupations. The next step is having your ears checked by the audiologist using a device called an otoscope which looks into the ear canal and checks for wax buildup or other issues that could interfere with the accuracy of the test results.

Hearing Examinations

The actual test itself consists of several different parts.

  • The first part, known as the Air Conduction Test, involves your reactions to a series of tones played at various frequencies and volumes through headphones or speakers. During this stage of the evaluation, you will be asked to raise your hand or press a button to indicate when you hear each tone.
  • The second part involves repeating words spoken at gradually decreasing volumes and is called Speech Testing. Again, you will be asked to indicate when you hear them correctly. This part is designed to assess how well you understand speech in different environments and situations.
  • Finally, there may also be additional tests, such as Bone Conduction Testing or Acoustic Reflex Testing, depending on what type of information the audiologist needs to collect from you based on other test results.

Hearing tests are essential in detecting any potential issues with your auditory health and ensure that you maintain optimal hearing ability over time. Preparation is key, so it's important to know what types of tests will be conducted during your appointment so that you can be ready for all aspects of the examination process. Being knowledgeable and confident also leads to more accurate test results. Knowing what to expect during a hearing test can help ensure it goes as smoothly as possible and provides peace of mind throughout the entire process.

If you are ready to schedule a hearing test or if you simply have questions, contact us today!

Checking In & Consultation