

Hearing Tests

Don't let hearing loss take its toll on your life - take the first step and schedule a hearing test at the Hearing Diagnostics Center today! Our compassionate professional audiologist, Dr. David Craig, provides personalized assessments, ensuring that we accurately determine the presence and degree of hearing loss and identify their potential causes. These comprehensive audiological evaluations are tailored to all age groups, from infants to seniors, so that everyone can receive the most precise diagnosis possible. Don't wait for symptoms to worsen - make an appointment to see us now!
Hearing Aid Fittings

Hearing Aid Fittings

With today's vast selection of hearing aids, there are so many options to choose from, and each has its own unique advantages and benefits. No matter what type of hearing loss you have, our experienced audiologists will ensure that you select the proper device and that your hearing aids are properly set up to suit your individual hearing needs. We want you to get the most out of your hearing aid, so we will make sure everything is in perfect working order. This way, you can be sure that your lifestyle requirements are satisfied, and you can enjoy the full potential of your hearing health investment!
Phonak Hearing Aids

Hearing Aid Repairs

Hearing aid repair is an essential service for people who use hearing aids to treat their hearing loss. Here at Hearing Diagnostics Center, we understand how important it is to keep your devices functioning properly. Our technical experts at the Hearing Diagnostics Center are well-equipped to address and fix any complications that you might experience with your hearing aid. We are always ready to provide a full range of repair services, including remote assistance for troubleshooting minor issues that can often be resolved by you.

We understand how important it is to have a functional hearing aid at all times, and we strive to ensure that your device is always running optimally. With our help, you can have peace of mind that even the most intricate and advanced hearing aids will be restored to full working order!



Millions of people worldwide are affected by tinnitus, an auditory disorder that causes sporadic or persistent ringing, buzzing, or humming in the ears despite the absence of external sound stimuli. Depending on its frequency and severity, tinnitus can have a significant impact on a person's quality of life, as it can interfere with sleep, communication, and concentration.

Although there is no medical cure for tinnitus, it is incredibly encouraging to know that there are treatments and technologies available to mitigate its symptoms. Our audiologists are highly experienced in employing all of the latest strategies and solutions to help you continue living your life with as little disruption as possible. Tinnitus can range from being a minor intermittent annoyance to a constant, fully debilitating condition, but with our effective, proven solutions, it doesn't have to hinder your life any longer!

Custom Hearing Protection

Custom Hearing Protection

Using custom hearing protection is one of the best ways to protect yourself from hearing loss. It is specifically designed to conform to the unique anatomy of your ear and is available in various sizes and styles. With the range of hearing protection solutions available, we can help you find products to serve your personal needs and ensure maximum comfort. Not only will tailored hearing protection gives you the most efficient defense against dangerous noise, but it can help prevent tinnitus and other irreversible hearing damage. We fit you with the most optimal hearing preventative measures currently manufactured. Don't miss out on this opportunity to protect your hearing - let us help you find the best option today!
Assistive Listening Devices

Assistive Listening Devices (ALDs)

Assistive listening devices are designed to provide the best hearing or communication experience in situations where the auditory environment is difficult. From simple personal amplifiers to more advanced systems, ALDs offer a wide range of solutions for all types of circumstances you may encounter. At Hearing Diagnostics Center, we are dedicated to helping you find the ideal device that meets all your personal lifestyle needs. With the right assistive listening device, you'll be able to confidently engage in whatever life throws your way!